ICS2025 goodsReception deskICS2025 opening!Opening remarks by Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK, Japan)ICS2025 lecturers and organizersLecture 1 by Daniel Jeans (KEK, Japan)Poster sessionReceptionOn the front page of a newspaper!Lecture 2 and 4 by Koichi Hamaguchi (U. of Tokyo, Japan)Lecture 3 and 5 by Olivier Mattelaer (UC Louvain, Belgium)Tutorial by Kentarou Mawatari (Iwate U., Japan)Lecture 6 and 8 by Timea Vitos (Uppsala U. / ELTE Budapest)Lecture 7 and 9 by Benjamin Fuks (Sorbonne U., France)brochures from Iwate Prefecture ILC promotion council and governmentSpecial lecture by Masakazu Yoshioka (KEK / Iwate Prefectural U. / Iwate U., Japan)BanquetBanquetBest poster awardICS2025 closing!ICS2025 school photo!skiingcoffee breakmany activities!