Supported by
ICS2023 is supported by KEK-IINAS-NX, Iwate U., JSPS grant, and Iwate Prefecture International Linear Collider Promotion Council.

– Iwate University

– Iwate Prefectural University

– JSPS grants (Kakenhi)

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 20H05239
“Construction of a framework for systematic comparison of experimental data on various dark matter searches with new physics models”
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 21H01077
“Research and development of simulation tools for exploring new physics at linear colliders”
– Iwate Prefecture International Linear Collider Promotion Council

The Council strives to deepen the understanding of the significance of the ILC and the kinds of research it will carry out, as well as carry out investigative studies to determine what municipal services and academic environments will be necessary to attract international research organizations to Tohoku and Iwate.
The Council will also investigate concrete strategies for developing Tohoku around the ILC. The economy of Tohoku and Iwate will be revitalized by the creation of an international scientific research city that will serve as a home base for cutting-edge science and technology and will lead to the formation of new industries.
To find more about Iwate and ILC activities in Tohoku, visit “The Kitakami Times“!
– Iwate Prefectural Government
– Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology